26 Jun 21. | Author: John Doe
Character Builder updates for the week of June 26th!
Hello Everyone!
This week we have some awesome new assets for you try out including ANIMAL COMPANIONS! The first companions coming to the builder are the Lab, Mastiff Squirrel and Ferret, but stay tuned for more soon!

New Features!
- You can now download your character as a png or gif file!
- Token zoom adjustments! You can now size and move your character inside the token.
- You can create duplicates of your favorite characters!
- New color picker layout!
(Hint: Anytime you see the “i” icon, click it for helpful tips!

Christmas in July!
Let your friends know that now is the time to sign up for a free account at www.BeNeverEnding.app because during the month of July we’re making ALL of our premium assets FREE to everyone!
See you next week!