8 Dec 20. | Author: John Doe
A Huge Big Giant Thank You!
This year has been a whirlwind for all of us at NeverEnding. With the launch of our company in January, a successfully funded Kickstarter in June, pitching to and being selected by the Glide Innovation Fund for a $25k grant in August (thank you, GLIDE!!!), a Beta Launch just this month, and a feature update scheduled for December 22 in a few days – well, we’re a little worn out! Even though we’re crazy busy, we believe it’s important to always make time for gratitude. At NeverEnding, we have a LOT to be thankful for (not least of all, you, dear reader).
We also very much want to thank NEOSVF (Northeast Ohio Student Venture Fund) and YBI (Youngstown Business Incubator) for awarding us first place (as well as $10,000 and $5,000) in their respective pitch competitions. It’s a strange mix of supremely motivating and very humbling to have so many business professionals say they believe in the potential of what we’re trying to create. We’re very grateful.
The funding we have received from GLIDE, NEOSVF, and YBI has allowed us to hire additional team members and work on building new and better features for all of you! (NPC Generator anyone?) Every single penny of investment is going into making this the best suite of apps possible.
Thank you to all the companies and people investing their time, treasure, and talent with us. Thank you for following along on this journey. And thank you to anyone and everyone who voted for us in the YBI competition as well, we couldn’t have done this without YOU!